Tutorials and Demonstrations on Internet

Introduction to DataScience

. Python Data Science Handbook

Games and Statistics

. Pythonic Perambulations from Jake Vanderplas, in particular http://jakevdp.github.io/blog/2017/12/18/simulating-chutes-and-ladders/

. Peter Norvig Studies from Peter Norvig, in particular http://norvig.com/sudoku.html

Ipython Notebook Documentation

. IPython notebook-based online documentation

. Galery of Interesting Notebooks

. Videos of Conferences and Trainings: Europython, Pydata , Scipy, EuroScipy, Pycon 2018 , Pycon 2017, Pycon 2016

Graphics :

. Matplotlib : Beginner's guide , Gallery , General Content

. seaborn : Tutorial , Gallery

. scikit-image : Gallery, User Guide

. holoviews : Introduction , Tutorials

. bqplot: Introduction

. Altair: Introduction]

. plotnine : Gallery , Tutotials

. hvplot : Gallery

. PyQtGraph : Gallery


. IPython-SQL : Tutorial

. db.py : Tutorial

. baresql : Tutorial

Machine learning / Deep Learning

. scikit-learn : Tutorial , Gallery

. Theano: Tutorial, Related Projects

. Keras: Introduction]

. Tensorflow: Tutorial with videos

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